Edgescript® Statements Grammar

*** Lexical Structure ***

* Grammar of whitespace *
whitespace -> whitespace-item (opt)whitespace  [WhitespaceHook]
whitespace-item -> line-break
whitespace-item -> inline-space

line-break -> "\n"
line-break -> "\r"
line-break -> "\r\n"
inline-space -> "\t" | " "

* Grammar of an identifier *
identifier-lower -> identifier-head-lower (opt)identifier-characters  [IdentifierLowerHook]
identifier-upper -> identifier-head-upper (opt)identifier-characters  [IdentifierUpperHook]

identifier-head-lower -> Lowercase letter a through z
identifier-head-lower -> "_"

identifier-head-upper -> Uppercase letter A through Z
identifier-head-upper -> "_"

identifier-character -> Upper- or lowercase letter a through z
identifier-character -> decimal-literal
identifier-character -> "_"
identifier-characters -> identifier-character (opt)identifier-characters

* Grammar of a literal *
literal -> numeric-literal | string-literal | boolean-literal | nil-literal | self-literal
boolean-literal -> boolean-literal-true | boolean-literal-false
boolean-literal-true ->  [TrueHook]
boolean-literal-false ->  [FalseHook]
nil-literal ->  [NilHook]
self-literal ->  [SelfHook]

* Grammar of an numeric literal *
numeric-literal -> decimal-literal

decimal-literal ->  [DecimalSequenceHook]

* Grammar of a string literal *
string-literal -> static-string-literal

static-string-literal -> string-literal-apostrophe-delimiter quoted-apostrophe-text string-literal-apostrophe-delimiter
static-string-literal -> string-literal-quotation-delimiter quoted-quotation-text string-literal-quotation-delimiter
string-literal-apostrophe-delimiter -> "'"
quoted-apostrophe-text -> quoted-text-item (opt)quoted-apostrophe-text  [ApostropheTextHook]
string-literal-quotation-delimiter -> "\""
quoted-quotation-text -> quoted-text-item (opt)quoted-quotation-text  [QuotationTextHook]

quoted-text-item -> escape-sequence
quoted-text-item -> quoted-text-character | interpolated-text-expression
quoted-text-character -> Any Unicode scalar value except delimiter, \, U+000A, or U+000D
interpolated-text-expression -> "\\(" expression ")"
escape-sequence -> "\\" escaped-character
escaped-character -> "0" | "\\" | "t" | "n" | "r" | "'" | "\""

* Grammar of operators *
operator -> operator-expression
operator-expression -> operator-head (opt)operator-characters
operator-head -> "/" | "-" | "+" | "!" | "*" | "%" | "<" | ">" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "~" | "?"
operator-character -> operator-head
operator-character -> "="
operator-characters -> operator-character (opt)operator-characters
operator-characters -> "=="

infix-operator -> operator  [InfixOperatorHook]
prefix-operator -> operator  [PrefixOperatorHook]
postfix-operator -> operator  [PostfixOperatorHook]

*** Types ***

* Grammar of a type *
type-identifier -> type  [TypeIdentifierHook]
type -> class-identifier
type -> type-array-identifier
type -> type-dictionary-identifier

* Grammar of a class identifier *
class-identifier -> class-name (opt)class-argument-clause
class-name -> identifier-upper

* Grammar of an array type identifier *
type-array-identifier -> "[" type-identifier "]"

* Grammar of a dictionary type identifier *
type-dictionary-identifier -> "[" type-identifier ":" type-identifier "]"

*** Expressions ***

* Grammar of an expression *
expression -> prefix-expression (opt)infix-expressions (opt)formatting

* Grammar of a prefix expression *
prefix-expression -> (opt)prefix-operator postfix-expression

* Grammar of a postfix expression *
postfix-expression -> primary-expression (opt)postfix-operator
postfix-expression -> parenthesis
parenthesis -> "(" expression ")"  [ParenthesisHook]

* Grammar of an infix expression *
infix-expression -> infix-operator postfix-expression (opt)infix-expression
infix-expression -> explicit-member-call (opt)infix-expression
infix-expression -> subscript-expression (opt)infix-expression
infix-expression -> assignment-expression
infix-expressions -> infix-expression (opt)infix-expressions

* Grammar of an assignment expression *
assignment-expression -> assignment-operator expression  [AssignmentHook]
assignment-operator -> "="

* Grammar of a primary expression *
primary-expression -> access-expression
primary-expression -> literal-expression
primary-expression -> closure-expression
primary-expression -> branch-expression
primary-expression -> edge-path-expression
primary-expression -> function-call-expression
primary-expression -> lookup-expression
primary-expression -> initializer-call
primary-expression -> super-initializer-call

* Grammar of an access expression *
access-expression -> identifier-lower  [ScopeAccessHook]
access-expression -> type-identifier  [ScopeAccessHook]

* Grammar of a literal expression *
literal-expression -> literal | array-literal | dictionary-literal

* Grammar of a closure expression *
closure-expression -> attributes closure-declaration  [ClosureDeclarationHook]
closure-declaration -> closure-signature expression
closure-declaration -> (opt)closure-signature code-block
closure-signature -> parameter-clause (opt)class-argument-clause (opt)closure-result "->"
closure-result -> ":" attributes type-identifier

* Grammar of a branch expression *
branch-expression -> if-expression

* Grammar of an if expression *
if-expression -> "if" condition-list if-block (opt)else-clause  [IfHook]
if-block -> expression
if-block -> code-block
else-clause -> "else" else-block
else-block -> expression
else-block -> code-block
else-block -> if-expression

* Grammar of a code block *
code-block -> "{" statements "}"

array-literal -> "[" array-literal-items "]"
array-literal-items -> array-literal-item (opt)array-literal-continuation  [ArrayLiteralItemsHook]
array-literal-continuation -> "," array-literal-items
array-literal-item -> expression

dictionary-literal -> "[" dictionary-literal-items "]"
dictionary-literal-items -> dictionary-literal-item (opt)dictionary-literal-continuation  [DictionaryLiteralItemsHook]
dictionary-literal-continuation -> "," dictionary-literal-items
dictionary-literal-item -> expression ":" expression  [DictionaryItemHook]

* Grammar of a edge-path expression *
edge-path-expression -> "\\" edge-path-list
edge-path-list -> (opt)edge-path-root edge-path-components (opt)edge-path-function  [EdgePathHook]
edge-path-root -> edge-space-name
edge-space-name -> identifier-lower
edge-space-name -> type-identifier
edge-path-components -> edge-path-component (opt)edge-path-continuation
edge-path-continuation -> "." edge-path-components
edge-path-function -> "." identifier-lower
edge-path-component -> "." edge-path-element (opt)edge-path-postfix  [EdgePathPartHook]
edge-path-element -> identifier-lower
edge-path-element -> "(" expression ")"
edge-path-postfix -> "?" | "!"

* Grammar of a function call expression *
function-call-expression -> identifier-lower function-call-argument-clause  [FunctionCallHook]
function-call-argument-clause -> "(" (opt)function-call-argument-list ")"
function-call-argument-list -> function-call-argument (opt)function-call-argument-continuation  [ArgumentListHook]
function-call-argument-continuation -> "," function-call-argument-list
function-call-argument -> (opt)argument-head expression  [ArgumentHook]
argument-head -> argument-name ":"
argument-name -> identifier-lower

* Grammar of an initializer expression *
initializer-call -> identifier-upper function-call-argument-clause  [InitializerCallHook]

* Grammar of an explicit member expression *
explicit-member-call -> "." identifier-lower (opt)function-call-argument-clause  [ExplicitMemberHook]

* Grammar of a subscript expression *
subscript-expression -> "[" array-literal-items "]"  [SubscriptExpressionHook]

*** Statements ***

* Grammar of a statement *
statement -> expression
statement -> declaration
statement -> control-transfer-statement
statements -> statement (opt)statements  [StatementsHook]

condition-list -> condition
condition -> expression

* Grammar of a control transfer statement *
control-transfer-statement -> return-statement

* Grammar of a return statement *
return-statement -> "return" (opt)expression  [ReturnHook]

*** Declarations ***

* Grammar of a declaration *
declaration -> class-declaration
declaration -> constant-declaration
declaration -> variable-declaration
declaration -> function-declaration
declaration -> initializer-declaration

* Grammar of a constant declaration *
constant-declaration -> attributes declaration-modifiers constant-match pattern-initializer-list  [LetDeclarationHook]
constant-match -> "let" | "state"

* Grammar of a variable declaration *
variable-declaration -> attributes declaration-modifiers "var" pattern-initializer-list  [VarDeclarationHook]

* Grammar of a pattern *
pattern-initializer-list -> pattern-initializer (opt)pattern-initializer-continuation  [PatternInitializerListHook]
pattern-initializer-continuation -> "," pattern-initializer-list
pattern-initializer -> variable-definition (opt)initializer  [PatternInitializerHook]
initializer -> "=" expression
variable-definition -> variable-name (opt)variable-class
variable-class -> ":" type-identifier
variable-name -> identifier-lower

* Grammar of a function declaration *
function-declaration -> function-head function-name function-signature function-body  [FunctionDeclarationHook]

function-head -> declaration-modifiers (opt)attributes "func"
function-name -> identifier-lower

function-signature -> parameter-clause (opt)function-result
function-result -> ":" attributes type-identifier
function-body -> code-block

parameter-clause -> "(" (opt)parameter-list ")"
parameter-list -> parameter (opt)parameter-continuation  [ParameterListHook]
parameter-continuation -> "," parameter-list
parameter -> (opt)external-parameter-name local-parameter-name type-annotation  [ParameterHook]
external-parameter-name -> identifier-lower
local-parameter-name -> identifier-lower
type-annotation -> ":" attributes type-identifier (opt)type-array
type-array -> "..."

* Grammar of an initializer declaration *
initializer-declaration -> initializer-head parameter-clause initializer-body  [InitializerDeclarationHook]
initializer-head -> declaration-modifiers "init"
initializer-body -> code-block
super-initializer-call -> "super" function-call-argument-clause  [SuperInitializerCallHook]

* Grammar of a declaration modifier *
declaration-modifiers -> (opt)access-level-modifier (opt)class-modifier
access-level-modifier -> "private" | "public"
class-modifier -> "class"

* Grammar of a class declaration *
class-declaration -> attributes "class" class-name (opt)class-parameter-clause (opt)class-inheritance-clause class-body  [ClassDeclarationHook]
class-name -> identifier-upper
class-inheritance-clause -> ":" class-inheritance-list
class-inheritance-list -> class-name (opt)class-inheritance-continuation  [ClassInheritanceListHook]
class-inheritance-continuation -> "," class-inheritance-list
class-body -> "{" statements "}"

*** Attributes ***

* Grammar of an attribute *
attribute -> "@" attribute-name (opt)parameter-clause  [AttributeHook]
attribute-name -> identifier-lower
attributes -> attribute (opt)attributes  [AttributesHook]

*** Class parameters and arguments ***

* Grammar of a class parameter clause *
class-parameter-clause -> "<" class-parameter-list ">"
class-parameter-list -> class-parameter (opt)class-parameter-continuation  [TypeParameterListHook]
class-parameter-continuation -> "," class-parameter-list
class-parameter -> class-argument-name
class-parameter -> class-argument-name ":" type-identifier

* Grammar of a class argument clause *
class-argument-clause -> "<" class-argument-list ">"
class-argument-list -> class-argument (opt)class-argument-continuation  [TypeArgumentListHook]
class-argument-continuation -> "," class-argument-list
class-argument -> (opt)class-argument-label expression  [ClassArgumentHook]
class-argument-label -> class-argument-name ":"
class-argument-name -> identifier-upper

*** Lookup ***

* Grammar of a lookup *
lookup-expression -> ".?" lookup-class "." lookup-property lookup-argument-clause  [LookupHook]
lookup-class -> class-name
lookup-property -> identifier-lower
lookup-argument-clause -> "(" (opt)lookup-argument-list ")"
lookup-argument-list -> lookup-argument-key (opt)lookup-argument-continuation  [LookupArgumentListHook]
lookup-argument-continuation -> "," lookup-argument-list
lookup-argument-key ->  [ArgumentHook]

*** Formatting ***

* Grammar of a formatting *
formatting -> ".%" expression  [FormattingHook]